Cultivating Artiscience
References, Talks & Events
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September 2020
A Guided Virtual Tour of the Artiscience Library, Ars Electronica 2020, Linz, Austria
November 2019
Director India, Art & Science, Artiscience Library, Edinburgh. Guest of honour: Dr Poonam Malik. Image of Saraswati, from Dr and Mrs Owen Franklin, presiding
October 2017
Speaker at World Animal Day in Edinburgh, Leith Walk; at request of Stewart Wilson. Other speaker Deirdre Brock, MP (SNP)
June 2017
Hosted Talk: Dr Ulrich Loening Convivial Science: The New Scientific Enlightenment behind Agroecology, presented by Dr Ulrich Loening, former Reader (Assoc Prof) in Molecular Biology and former Director of the Centre for Human Ecology, University of Edinburgh; recorded for the 2nd Online Congress in Agroecology, Brazil, Summer 2017. Present: Aubrey Manning
May 2017
Director Biology, Art & Science: C. H. Waddington, D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, et al. Summerhall, Red Lecture Theatre. An evening symposium for and with Dr Charissa Terranova, UT Dallas. Participants included: Jim Burns; Russell Cowe; Richard Demarco; Ulrich and Francesca Loening; Chris Malcolm
September 2012
Conference Director First Scottish Business & Culture Meeting Summerhall, Edinburgh. Co-oraganised with Ilse van den Meijdenberg, Director, Institute of Directors, Netherlands
December 2011
A Conversation with Colin Sanderson ASCUS [now ASCUS Art & Science] at The White Horse Bar, Canongate, Edinburgh
August 1999
Symosium Co-Director The Art & Science of Peace and the Prevention of Conflict co-hosted with the Demarco European Art Foundation (DEAF) at the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, with participation of the Maltese Government: Richard Muscat, Maltese Ambassador to the UK; Minister of Education, Dr Louis Galea; with a statement from the President, Guido De Marco. Maltese Government. Press Release
August 1997
Co-Director, with Richard Demarco Steiner, Art & Science: A City Responds, University of Dundee and Abertay. Dundee University Press release, 1997. Speakers included: Prof. George Steiner, Churchill Colllege, Cambridge; Prof. Sir Graham Hills, Patron of ASCENT. Spoke on Dundee, Art & Science: Mary Shelley, electromagnetism, Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, &c.
Participant The Usual Suspects BBC Radio Scotland. Producer: Alison Balharry. Devoted to Steiner, Art & Science: A City Responds (see above)
November 1996
Director Bridging the Gaps: Focus on Artiscience Symposium with DEAF at St Mary’s School, Albany Street / York Lane, Edinburgh
October 1996
Conference Director A Holistic Approach to Art, Science, Engineering & Technology, ASCENT at the University of Strathclyde. Keynote speaker: Prof. Sir Graham Hills
August 1995
As Director of ASCENT, chaired: A Day with John Latham, a meeting arranged between artist, John Latham, and quantum physicist, Dr Peter Bussey, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, at Glasgow School of Art
March 1995
Lecturer Naum Gabo: Art & Science, Henry Moore Sculpture Centre, Leeds, Chaired by the Director, Penelope Curtis
February 1995
Lecturer On the Classification of the Arts and Sciences Sixth-Form Lecture, St Leonards School, St Andrews
March 1994
Invited Prepared Statement at Art and Science Don’t Mix?, London, Meeting held at the Science Museum, London, co-sponsored by The Independent newspaper, Chaired by Melvyn Bragg
March 1991
Lecture on Aesthetics and Engineering, Glasgow, The McClellan Galleries; other speaker, John Hume
February 1991
Paper and Panellist Naum Gabo: Art and Science at the Annual Conference of the College Art Association, Washington, DC, (grant-aided by the CAA and the British Council). Co-Panellists: Linda Dalrymple Henderson; Samuel Edgerton, Jr; Billy Kluver; chaired by Craig Adcock
November 1990
Session Chair Technoculture 1990/Scotland: Enriching the Artificial Environment Third International Conference of the Centre Européen de Technoculture (Cétech), Université de Paris-Dauphine, held at Inverness
May 1990
Panellist on Engineering Design, Second Oleg Kerensky Memorial Conference of the Institution of Structural Engineers, Glasgow, May 1990, with Philip Cooper, Prof. of Structural Design, Leeds University, and Iain MacLeod, Prof. of Structural Engineering, Strathclyde University
November 1989
Project Director The Glasgow Flourish, Scottish Sculpture Trust representing the City of Glasgow, with the Lord Provost, Susan Baird in attendance; at the last exhibition of Paris’s year as European City of Culture.: L’Europe des Createurs: Utopies 89 Paris, Grand Palais
November 1989
Interview with William Latham at Computers and Art Preston College, Lancashire
April 1989
Conference Director ASCENT I, organised by the Association for Sculpture & Engineering Technologies (ASCENT), a programme of the Scottish Sculpture Trust, in association with the first Edinburgh International Science Festival
January 1989
Panellist Frontiers of Art and Science Bristol, Arnolfini Gallery, during William Latham’s exhibition Conquest of Form: with William Latham and Prof. John Lansdown
Article "Lee House Redevelopment Transfer Structure:
A Painting by Ben Johnson," in The Arup Journal Vol.22, No.2, Summer 1987, pp.15-19, and rear cover.
1970s and 1980s
Lectures and Papers presented at the Association of Art Historians; The Tate Gallery (for the public, teachers, and engineering students); Ferens Art Gallery, Hull; East Anglia University, Norwich; The Engineering Club, London